Abogados de discapacidad y lesiones

No lo tratamos como un caso. Te tratamos como a una familia

¿Accidente automovilístico o caída?

¿Discapacitado debido a una mala condición médica o lesión? Podemos ayudarle en su Seguro Social por Incapacidad SS y su caso de lesiones.

Tratamos a cada cliente como un miembro de nuestra familia


Abogados de lesiones personales de Filadelfia

Manejo de casos de lesiones graves y reclamaciones de incapacidad del Seguro Social

Si sufre una lesión grave o una discapacidad debido a una afección médica, una lesión laboral, un accidente o un caso de negligencia médica, o si su ser querido murió en un accidente o debido a un error médico, recurra a Shipon Law Associates, PC. Desde 1992, nuestro Los abogados de lesiones personales de Filadelfia han estado brindando a las personas lesionadas y a sus familias la asistencia legal que necesitan. Entendemos que un accidente repentino, una lesión inesperada o la muerte trágica de un ser querido puede ser increíblemente abrumador y, debido a esto, nuestra firma adopta un enfoque compasivo e integral para su representación. Estamos disponibles para responder sus preguntas y ayudarlo a abordar diversos desafíos legales en cada paso del camino.

Cada minuto cuenta

Podemos inscribirte en la comodidad de tu hogar y por teléfono celular

El tiempo es la esencia. Regístrese hoy para que podamos comenzar a investigar su caso antes de que se pierda cualquier evidencia. En Shipon Law Associates, PC, nuestro objetivo principal es hacer que el proceso sea lo más fácil posible para usted. Para su comodidad, ofreceremos visitas a domicilio y al hospital. Ya sea que prefiera enviar un correo electrónico, llamar, enviar un mensaje de texto o reunirse en persona, ¡lo guiaremos en el proceso con facilidad!

¿Como podemos ayudarte?

Ayudándole a navegar el proceso legal

Shipon Law Associates, PC está preparado para hacer todo lo posible para ayudarlo. Nuestros abogados de lesiones personales en Filadelfia pueden manejar todos los aspectos de su reclamo para que usted pueda concentrarse en sanar. Podemos representarlo fácilmente sin que tenga que venir a nuestra oficina; ofrecemos consultas telefónicas gratuitas y estamos dispuestos a reunirnos con usted en un lugar conveniente, incluido su hogar, el hospital o cualquier lugar de Pensilvania o Nueva Jersey. Nuestro equipo está disponible las 24 horas del día, los 7 días de la semana a través de nuestro servicio de contestación, que puede ayudarlo tanto en inglés como en español. Incluso podemos enviarle mensajes de texto con formularios de representación para su conveniencia.

En nuestra firma, lo tratamos como a una familia. Sus objetivos son los nuestros y haremos todo lo posible para ayudarle a navegar con éxito el proceso legal y buscar un resultado favorable para su caso. Obtenga más información sobre nuestras áreas de práctica para saber cómo podemos ayudarlo, o contáctenos directamente para comenzar con una consulta y evaluación de caso gratuitas.

Llámenos hoy al  (215) 708-1234 para hablar con un abogado con experiencia en lesiones personales de nuestra firma de Filadelfia.

Resultados del caso


Mordida de perro

Experimente la diferencia de Shipon Law Associates

¿Qué nos diferencia?

Representación legal compasiva y conveniente

Se habla español

Más de 25 años de experiencia

Reseñas de cinco estrellas

Lea lo que nuestros clientes dicen sobre nosotros

Conozca nuestro equipo


Shipon Law Associates were wonderful to work with. They truly went above and beyond. And I learned things!

- Doug Moore

My entire experience from the moment I called Marc Shipon’s law office was great. His staff were always professional , efficient and especially friendly. Often my eyes were full of tears as I discussed my case, whatever the circumstances I felt confident the team gave me their full attention . If you’re looking for a reputable and compassionate firm to assist you, the Shipon’s law office is the one. Life happens and our motivation will sometime have to shift, but it helps to know there will be those who care and willing to hold your hand through it all.

- Rosemary

Shipon Law Associates Law Firm helped me with my case and worked diligently and efficiently with my case. I didn’t think I would win my case because I was always denied. Even with a lawyer I thought maybe Social Security would find a reason to deny me. I finally won my case after being denied so many times. The Attorney was very helpful with my questions and responded quickly with any calls or concerns I’ve had. He even waived fees for me. I would recommend this Law Firm with no hesitation. I humbly appreciate this Law Firm for assisting me with my case. Thank you so very much.

- Chonte’ Bridges-Sane

Lauren is awesome. She takes my calls or returns my calls immediately. She took the time to explain things that I did not understand no matter how many times I called. She won my case in which I was originally denied. She had patience due to my poor memory. She always assured me that I will be ok during my court appearance. I felt like the load was off my back and on hers. Mark, I got to know later. He was nice and patiently answered all my questions and answered all my calls. I would recommend anyone. They are awesome. I won!

- Shaveena H.


I would recommend this firm to anyone looking for a friendly, efficient & knowledgeable experience. I was nervous about hiring a lawyer, cause I had never had to use one. They explained the process step by step very clearly. They were very easy to contact & returned my calls in a timely manner. They were always familiar with my case & wasted no time answering my questions. The experience was fantastic. Plus, they courteously waved some expensive for me. I hope you find this review helpful.

- Karen

This law firm changed my mind about giving up and got me a favorable decision. I was feeling hopeless and loss after i lost my job and became disabled after a work related accident. Shipon law got me through a very difficult time in my life and i was compensated appropriately thanks to their witty representation. Laura was extremely aggressive during my hearing with the judge and got every point that needed to be heard across in a very firm manner. Thank you guys dearly 🙏this is the Law firm if you want positive results!

- Poland

Marc Shipon and team are excellent. From ease of the entire process to great communication and friendly rapport he and team have. You’ll be in good hands throughout the process. I had great trust and confidence in Marc and team; they were transparent and honest every step.

If it were not for the Shipon Law Associates; my case’s complexity; I don’t believe my case would have been favorable. In all the hard work and expertise in disability cases were reflected when working with Marc, Lauren and team.

I would highly recommend this Law Firm.

They treat you like family!

- Julius Cocozza

Working with Shipon law associates was awesome they fought until I won my case. They made every step of the process easy and took care a big burden off my shoulders with the case highly recommend thanks so much

- Tdizzles Memoirs

Very helpful and I look forward to working with them!!!

- Rachael Rodweller

Thank you so much for sticking with me from the beginning. You never gave up on me or let me give up. It was a hard fight but we won and I am so grateful for your help.

- Vernetta Santos

This law firm just got my disability approved and I filed in July 2021!!!!!! Marc Shipon and his firm are all extremely efficient and beyond helpful. I thought this process would take years, but with Marc’s help I was approved in 6 MONTHS!! I am still in shock! I already referred him to one of my best friends who will be reaching out to him any day now. I highly recommend Shipon law firm, because thanks to them I can resume my life with financial stability!

- Shirley Shirley

I love how I was treated. They really worked with me on my case. I will definitely recommend and also use them again. Thank you for everything 😊

- Carla Colon

They were a huge help in my brothers SSI case, patient and very responsive to all my questions! Highly recommend their team!

- Retykol Panret

The team at Law Offices of Shipon Law Associates are not only personable but experienced. They explain each step of the process in a way that is easy to understand. They are thorough and dependable. Very happy with the results. Don’t hesitate to contact this law office. Well worth it!

- Terri F

Great attorneys!! They helped me with my case throughout my long journey. The outcome was fantastic. Also, the staff was very nice…

- Sakira Watson

Shipon Law Associates, P.C., I would recommend over and over again. I was lost in so many forms. They help me to win my disability case. Thank you so much.

- Sashi Menon

I spent weeks looking for a lawyer to take my case and many refused to take the case for one reason or another. I walked into the law office of Ruch & Shipon and not only did they accept me as a client, they fought my case and won!
I highly recommend this law firm. They took the time to listen and worked vigorously to get all the information needed to win a favorable court decision. A group of Pros with the clients best interest in hand!

- Ismael Castro

one of the best absolutely caring attorney/gentlemen i had the pleasure and blessing to meet i really believe cause he is so thorough and caring to me and he even took the time to give me other legal advice without hesitating thanks again i’m so glad to choose him out of all the others hope he is flourishing in business thanks again mrs a perfetti satisfied client

- P. Ardell

I really felt comfortable with them handling my case. Confidently they spoke on my behalf securing me a win. This was my 2nd time applying for SSD and its a scary thing at my age . However I have been living in pain for more than 5 years not being able to work and provide for myself. Thanks

- Ramona Stasney

I went to Marc Shipon for help with my Social Security Disability Appeal. Marc reassured me that I had a good chance of winning my appeal and guided me every step of the way. He was very knowledgeable about the appeals process and kept me well informed as I waited for a decision. Things went so smoothly, that I won my appeal without having to appear in front of a judge. I’m very grateful to Marc and his kind, efficient office staff. They always got back to me in a timely manner and answered any questions I may have had. I recommend his firm for any pending legal matters you may have. They’re the best at what they do!

- Catherine Morrison

Phenomenal! Highly recommended. Compassionate, Clear Communication, Presise legal language that layman can understand. Calmly, proficient, professional, proactive, and present! The entire staff was a winning team and I felt I could trust them to treat me and my case with the utmost care and they did! Thank you for your dedication commitment and communication!

- Millie Trinidad

Excellent service ,Great attorneys ,easy to work with, and after case settles you feel a desire to remain friends, I highly recommend this firm.

- Gene DeLange

Definitely will be recommending this law firm to friends and family.. very professional and responsive and answered questions to where we could understand. Overall a great law firm to get what is needed. If I could give more stars it still wouldn’t be enough to express the gratitude I have for all their help. Thankyou so much

- Danielle Butts

Great law firm. They actually make follow up calls, remember your name and genuinely seem to care about their clientele

- Mike Denomme

So far, very easy to work with. I called to hire an attorney for my SSDI, and was able to do everything over the net.

- Robert Richie

The law offices of shipon law associates are very dependable and professional. My time as a client I felt very assured that my case was being handled with care an would be resolved with an outcome that I would be happy with.
Upon the closing of my case I was not only satisfied but relieved, at how it was executed in a timely manner. Thank you to Mark and his associates and very special thank you to Kim the paralegal for her due diligence.

- Vincent Chandler Sr

Great attorneys. They let you know every detail about the case. They follow up after the case is over to make sure you understand everything. Just great all around. Will refer everyone I know that need help to them.

- Steven Sims

Very professional, friendly and understanding. Everything went quickly and they’ll treat you with respect. Thank you!


They were a huge help in my brothers SSI case, patient and very responsive to all my questions! Highly recommend their team!

- Sue Sng

Great group of people who will fight for you and get results when nobody could help me with my disability I reached out to them and they got it done thank you ruch and shipon I appreciate everything you have done

- Jerome Norman

The law office of Ruched & Shipon, I would recommend over and over again. I was lost with so many forms. They help me to win my disability case. Thank you so much.

- Amari Amari

Great attorneys helped me with my case thru my long journey and the outcome was fantastic…also the staff was very nice people..

- Brooklyn Kingz

I would highly recommend to anyone. If I could give more stars I would. Very professional and a very caring team. Thank you for all that you do to help ppl that need it!

- Kim

Fantastic experience, and outcome everyone was wonderful, informative and there when needed.

- Dakota Dinatale

I love the communication and expeditious response I have always gotten from you guys…… I have never worried about my case while you guys have been working on it……..Ruch and Shipon are the bomb……..

- Anita J

They helped me every step of the way! Definitely would recommend this Law Office.

- Liz Concepcion

Great people, calls are promptly returned , and i never have a question go unanswered. Mark and Lauren are the BEST!!!

- Sharon Joke

This office fought for me in court ..and won !
They are a fare and safe place to deal with .

- DJ Joey Marini

When you need backup.👍

- Good Bye

They were very helpful and friendly

- Michele Wender

I appreciate all the help

- Redz Dearie
- Linda Lunkenheimer

Excellent lawyers

- lili cruz
- Ismael Reyes Rosa junito
- Jennifer Rodriguez
- Anitamaire Rucco
- Joe Simpson
- Simon H
- Manuel Coss
- Ragusa Angela
- Emma Gonzalez
- Dave W
- Alma Berry
- mimi G
- Sierra Hernandez
- Zachary Crawford
- Tailor Betty
- Jose Gomez
- Michael Torrey
- Arben Ibrahimi
- Diana Bizousky
- Olivia Marshall
- Jose Velez

Representación experimentada. Orientado a la familia.